Kerala government has officially declared the tiger responsible for the death of a 47-year-old woman at an estate in Wayanad as a man-eater and ordered that it be shot dead. Forest Minister A K Saseendran made the announcement on Sunday following a high-level meeting at the District Collectorate. This decision comes after the tragic incident on Friday morning, when Radha, a woman from a Scheduled Caste community, was mauled by the tiger while plucking coffee at the Priyadarshini Estate in Mananthavady village. Minister Saseendran said this is the first time in the state that a tiger has been declared a man-eater.
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The same tiger that killed Radha also attacked Beat Forest Officer Jayasurya, a member of the Rapid Response Team (RRT) deployed for patrolling duty in the area on Sunday. The move to declare the tiger a man-eater was made after assessing its repeated attacks and the increasing threat to human lives, he said.
The decision followed a high-level meeting convened on the Chief Minister's directive to address the growing issue of tiger attacks. Efforts are underway to capture the animal, and a meeting with the Chief Secretary and other officials was held to address public concerns. The tiger was declared a man-eater after consulting with the Advocate General and other legal experts, with the Chief Minister's support for the decision, he added.