RG Kar College and Hospital Sandip Ghosh allegedly helped two cartels in procuring hospital contracts, the agency has said in its recently filed chargesheet. The special court has taken the chargesheet on record but it is yet to take its cognisance because the West Bengal government has not provided sanction to prosecute Ghosh and other accused.
Ghosh had resigned as the principal of the state-run institute on August 12 in the aftermath of the rape and murder of a trainee doctor on its premises.
The CBI has named Ghosh, former House Staff of the medical college Ashish Kumar Pandey, and businessmen Biplab Singha of Maa Tara Traders, Suman Hazra of Hazra Medical and Afsar Ali Khan of Eshan Cafe, in the charge sheet.
«This case was registered in compliance with the directions of Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta relating to financial irregularities in RG Kar Medical College & Hospital at Kolkata,» the CBI Spokesperson said.
The CBI has alleged that Ghosh and Pandey appointed several doctors as house staff in violation of the rules, they said.
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