Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said that the state has exported goods spanning multiple industries worth USD 92.8 million to Japan in 2023-24 on Tuesday, while inviting business leaders to explore investment opportunities in the state. Yadav was speaking during an interactive session on investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh being held in the Indian Embassy here.
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He is on a four-day visit to Japan and will be visiting Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe between January 28 and 31, 2025, as he aims to highlight Madhya Pradesh's potential to investors and extend an invitation for the upcoming Global Investor Summit in the state.
He referred to the longstanding relations between Madhya Pradesh and Japan, citing the USD 92.8 million worth of exports from the state, and expressed hope to receive significant investments from the country.
Madhya Pradesh is one of the largest states in the country, with a population of 8.5 crore, and the state's economy has grown 3-fold in the past decade, Yadav said, adding that his government targets to double the growth of the economy in the next five years.
The state is continuously working towards enhancing its industrial capabilities which will not only attract the country but the world to invest in MP, he said.
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