Delhi Police has been adjudged the 'Best Marching Contingent' at the Republic Day Parade 2025 held at Kartavya Path on January 26, an official said on Wednesday. The team included three sub-inspectors, 44 head constables and 100 constables, all donned in iconic 'Red Safa' attire. This marks its 17th victory in the parade's history, following the Delhi Police Women's Contingent last year, the official said.
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The contingent, led by Additional DCP Rishi Kumar Singh, secured the prestigious 'Best Marching Contingent among CAPFs/other auxiliary forces' award under the judges choice.
The newly formed All-Women Delhi Police Band, participating for the second time, captivated audiences with its melodious tunes. Led by Band Master Ruyangunuo Kense, the contingent consisted of four women sub-inspectors and 64 women constables, trained to perform with precision, the officer said.
The team was trained under Inspector Ramesh Tushir (Chief Drill Instructor), with supervision from senior IPS officers, including Special CP Neeraj Thakur, Joint CP MN Tiwari, and Delhi Commissioner of Police Sanjay Arora.