Aditya Parameswaran in a simple court wedding on Saturday. She shared the good news with her fans on her Instagram handle. Dropping the picture, the ‘Nin Viralal Nee Thodumbol’ hitmaker wrote, “My hopes and dreams for the future," adding a red heart emoji…”
In the picture, the lovebirds were seen posing outside the Alappuzha Registrar's Office. The singer was clad in a traditional gold and white saree, while her groom was seen sporting a kurta and a veshti.
For the unversed, Joseph was formerly married to Anoop John, who served as the director of the Malayalam reality show Star Magic, which aired on Flowers TV. Their marriage ended some time ago, a fact Anju revealed in an honest and heartfelt video shared on her social media platforms.
In the video, she spoke openly about the emotional scars left by the marriage and discussed her ongoing journey toward recovery and self-healing.
For those unfamiliar with her work, Anju Joseph began her career as a playback singer and gained widespread recognition as a participant in the fourth season of the reality show Idea Star Singer. Over the years, she lent her voice to several films, including Doctor Love, Ormakalil Oru Manjukaalam, and C/O Saira Banu. Additionally, she is well-known for her engaging music videos on YouTube, which have garnered her a loyal fanbase.
She later took on the role of co-host for Super 4 Season 2 and also showcased her singing talent in Start Music Aaradhyam Paadum. In 2022, Anju transitioned into acting, appearing in the film Archana 31 Not