Turkish YouTuber and influencer Ruhi Çenet recently embarked on a daring expedition into the depths of Krubera Cave, the world’s deepest-known cave, located in the country of Georgia. The journey, spanning eight days in complete darkness, took him into the five-million-year-old subterranean marvel, the ‘centre of the Earth.’ Covering nearly 5 kilometres of rugged terrain, the expedition posed extreme challenges, including physical exhaustion and an average weight loss of 10 kilograms.
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Çenet and his team ventured into this uncharted world with hopes of uncovering its secrets and discovering new animal species that have remained isolated for millions of years. The expedition wasn’t just a physical challenge but also a historic exploration into the unknown, highlighting the sheer magnitude of the underground environment. He, along with his team, descended 2,224 meters below the surface. During the exploration, speleologist Gennady Samokhin accompanying him, identified what is believed to be a previously unknown species of fish. This remarkable discovery is currently undergoing study at Crimea Federal University. The expedition also confirmed that Krubera Cave holds the distinction of being the deepest cave in the world.
Known for his unique and adventurous pursuits, Çenet took extensive precautions to prepare for this expedition. He underwent over a year of rigorous training to ensure he could withstand the physical and mental demands of the journey. The danger was so significant that he signed a contract