Paytm on Friday said it has not received any fresh notice, communication, or query from the Enforcement Directorate after reports suggested that the fintech firm is among companies facing a probe over cryptocurrency scam. The information published is «factually incorrect and misleading», Paytm said dismissing media reports that claimed ED is investigating eight payment gateways, including Paytm, in connection with a scam involving 10 Chinese nationals.
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Shares of One97 Communications, which owns the Paytm brand, fell 8.4 per cent during the day to Rs 773.90 but recovered partially and closed at 5 per cent lower on BSE.
"...we confirm that we have not received any such new notice, communication, or query from the Enforcement Directorate regarding the matter mentioned in the media articles," Paytm said in a clarification to BSE terming the information published as «factually incorrect and misleading».
Drawing attention to its previous letter dated September 4, 2022, regarding the Directorate of Enforcement's (ED) search operations involving certain merchants for whom it provided payment processing solutions, Paytm said that the instances currently being reported by the media pertained to similar old enquiries regarding third-party merchants.
«We would like to clarify