Kyiv killed one person and wounded at least four others, authorities said on Thursday, with explosions heard across the Ukrainian capital in the third night of attacks. «Tonight, a massive attack by Iranian drones took place,» Kyiv's military administration said on Telegram. Iran-made Shahed explosive drones had «entered the capital from different directions,» it said, adding «about a dozen» had been downed in the city's airspace. Falling debris was reported in five districts, it said, adding that a 19-year-old woman and 23-year-old man had been hospitalised with shrapnel wounds. Two people were wounded in Darnytsky district «as a result of falling debris,» Sergiy Popko, head of Kyiv's military administration, wrote on Telegram.
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It was unclear if they were the same two people. Emergency services were responding to calls in Solomyansky, Shevchenkivsky, Podilsky and Darnytsky districts following «explosions in the capital,» Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said earlier. «In Podilsky district, during the firefighting in an apartment building, a body of one dead person was discovered,» Klitschko posted on Telegram. Klitschko also said two people had been «hospitalised» in Darnytsky district after falling debris damaged a residential building. It was not clear if they were the same two people mentioned by the military administration. Two others in Shevchenkivsky district had been treated at the scene, Klitschko said. Fires broke out in an apartment building in Shevchenkivsky district and in a