The story revolves around Monkey D. Luffy, a young man who acquires the ability to stretch like rubber after consuming a Devil Fruit. Luffy embarks on an exciting adventure in search of the legendary treasure known as the One Piece, with the ultimate goal of becoming the Pirate King. In One Piece chapter 1087, Garp and Kuzan engage in a fierce battle, while SWORD wreaks havoc on the Blackbeard Pirates and the island of Hachinosu. Garp is injured, and it is revealed that his bounty is equivalent to that of an Admiral. Flashbacks show the history between Garp and Kuzan. The chapter ends with Avalo Pizarro targeting Garp's ship, but Garp reassures Koby that justice will prevail.
One Piece chapter 1088: Know the release date, timeOne Piece chapter 1088 is scheduled to be released at 12:00 am JST on Monday, July 24. This means that for most international fans, it will be available on Sunday morning in their respective time zones. However, Japanese viewers and a minority of international fans will have access to the chapter on Monday night. The specific release time varies depending on the region and time zone.
Here are the release times for One Piece chapter 1088 in different time zones:Pacific Standard Time: 8:00 am, Sunday, July 23 Eastern Standard Time: 11:00 am, Sunday, July 23 British Summer Time: 4:00 pm, Sunday, July 23 Central European Summer Time: 5:00 pm, Sunday, July 23 Indian Standard Time: 8:30 pm, Sunday, July 23 Philippine Standard Time: 11:00 pm, Sunday, July 23 Japanese Standard Time: 12:00 am, Monday, July 24 Australia Central Standard Time: 12:30 am, Monday, July 24 Fans can enjoy the chapter through official sources such as Viz Media's official website, Shueisha's MANGAPlus website, or Shueisha's