Narendra Modi on Sunday called the police to to convert the challenge posed due to digital frauds, cyber crimes and Al into an opportunity by harnessing India's Al power of Artificial Intelligence and 'Aspirational India'. The comments came during the 59th All India Conference of Director Generals/ Inspector Generals of Police at Bhubaneswar on on Sunday.
In his address, the prime minister expressed concern on the potential threats generated on account of digital frauds, cyber-crimes and Al technology, particularly the potential of deep fake to disrupt social and familial relations.
Further, he expanded the mantra of SMART policing and called upon the police to become strategic, meticulous, adaptable, reliable and transparent.
Appreciating the initiatives taken in urban policing, he suggested that each of the initiatives be collated and implemented entirely in 100 cities of the country. He called for the use of technology to reduce the workload of the constabulary and suggested that the Police Station be made the focal point for resource allocation.
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