Narendra Modi on Thursday lauded the Maharashtra government's efforts to ensure all-round development in the state's remote and Maoist-affected areas. The prime minister's comments came a day after Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis visited Gadchiroli, a district affected by left wing extremism, and asserted that the dominance of Naxalites in remote areas of the district was ending.
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A number of Naxal cadres laid down their arms during his visit, with Fadnavis also unveiling several development initiatives.
Modi said on X, «I laud the Maharashtra Government's efforts to ensure all-round development in remote and Maoist-affected areas. This will certainly boost 'Ease of Living' and pave the way for even more progress. A special congratulations to my sisters and brothers of Gadchiroli and the surrounding areas!»
He was responding to a post by Fadnavis on his government's efforts to eliminate the violent movement from the region.