Quordle is a Wordle-Dordle inspired internet based game. It requires you to decipher four- five letter words in nine attempts.
Quordle was designed by Freddie Meyer back when Wordle was on its peak. Quordle can be played easily on mobile browsers or Pcs. It does not require any fighy sign ins or logins.
Quordle is a word puzzle in which you have to crack four- five letter words given in a grid, in nine attempts. You have to randomy type in letters to check the correct letter and its position.
But here are some Quordle rules-
Quordle blocks will become green, if the letter added is correct and is in the correct position, however, it will turn yellow, if the letter is positioned wrong.
Starting letters- P, K, S, P
Ending letters- Y, A, F, B
Word 1- A polishing powder made from tin oxide; a thick paste
Word 2- A sum of person's actions in his past and present life.
Word 3- Something which is difficult to bend or mend; rigid.
Word 4- To measure the depth of water by a professional.
Hope you get all the answers right with the help of the above hints. If not, Scroll down!
Spoiler Alert!!
1. When does the new Quordle reset?
1. Quordle resets each day at midnight local time and brings in new challenge for everyday.
2. Can you use Wordle and Quordle interchangeably?
2. Quordle and Wordle have no connection. In comparison to Wordle, Quordle is four times more complex