Resident Evil, a renowned horror gaming franchise, originated in the eerie Spencer Mansion and has expanded into one of the most prominent horror series. With eight numbered entries and additional games contributing to its narrative, the franchise's evolution includes ground-up remakes of the initial four games, alongside expansions into TV and movies.
Capcom, the developers, created a distinct blend of heart-pounding action, terrifying horror, and intricate puzzles in the first game, coining the term "Survival Horror." Over time, the series incorporated more action-focused elements before returning to its original style.
For those seeking entry into the Resident Evil universe, understanding the release order of the games is crucial. There are a total of 12 mainline Resident Evil games, with eight numbered entries, and the rest considered spin-offs.
The focus here is on the mainline games that drive the Resident Evil narrative forward, including those often perceived as spin-offs but integral to the series. Examples include Resident Evil: Code Veronica, initially regarded as Resident Evil 4, and the Resident Evil: Revelations games placed between RE4 and 5, then RE5 and 6.
For chronological exploration of the Resident Evil games, the order is as follows:
Are the Resident Evil remakes separate games, or do they replace the original titles in the