Riverdale, the hit drama mystery based on Archie Comics, is returning for its seventh and final season. The show, which debuted in 2017 and has aired over 100 episodes, has been a major success for The CW. The new season has already started dropping on Netflix in certain regions, and fans in the US can expect it to arrive on Netflix at the end of August. Season 7 will consist of 20 episodes, bringing the series to a close after six eventful years. The show has had its fair share of ups and downs, but it has remained popular with audiences throughout its run.Riverdale season 7 began airing on The CW on March 29th, 2023, and is set to conclude on August 23rd, 2023. Fans are eager to see how the story of their favorite characters will come to an end in this much-anticipated season.
Riverdale Season 7 Netflix release date: When can you watch the series on Netflix US?Season 7 of Riverdale is following a different release schedule on Netflix compared to previous seasons. Despite the delay, fans can now rest assured that all episodes of the final season will be available on Netflix US on August 31st, 2023. This will give viewers an opportunity to catch up with the concluding adventures of the Riverdale gang on the streaming platform. Riverdale has been a part of a long-standing legacy deal between Netflix and The CW, which ensured that all CW shows would come to Netflix after the season finale. However, the number of new CW shows arriving on Netflix has decreased significantly over the years. While Netflix used to receive around a dozen new CW shows annually, that number has dwindled considerably since 2019. Although there have been exceptions like All American: Homecoming, newer CW shows have not been readily available on
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