economic growth, Dilsher Malhi, founder and CEO of online gaming platform Zupee, said on Monday. Speaking at the India Internet Governance Forum (IIGF) 2024, Malhi said startups are adding value to society's experiences and redefining how people experience education, healthcare, travel, and entertainment.
«India has become the world's third-largest startup ecosystem and we believe this has happened mainly because of the endless possibilities that arise from a credible digital public infrastructure consisting of UPI and Aadhaar, and the penetration of mobile phones across the country. Now with the Bharat 6G vision, the semiconductor mission and the AI mission, startups are positioning India for an exponential economic growth,» he said.
Speaking on the concept of «gamification» in addressing real-world challenges, Malhi described how startups are evolving from merely providing solutions for immediate problems--what he referred to as «painkillers»--to offering enriching experiences that enhance well-being, termed «vitamins.»
«Perhaps we are on the path of moving just from painkillers towards more invigorating vitamins and towards measuring prosperity not just by GDP (gross domestic product) but by GWQ--gross wellness quotient,» he said.
Further, he spoke about the transformative potential of tech-driven innovations originating from startups and mentioned how Nvidia began by creating chips for online gaming and has since become one of the most valued companies globally.
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