Tamil crime thriller The Smile Man is gearing up for its digital premiere following a limited theatrical release. Starring seasoned actor R. Sarathkumar, the movie delves into the gripping journey of a senior police officer grappling with Alzheimer's disease while on the trail of a ruthless serial killer. Directed by the talented duo Syam and Praveen, The Smile Man hit theaters on December 27, capturing the audience’s attention with its intense narrative and stellar performances.
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After its theatrical stint, The Smile Man is set to debut on the OTT platform Aha Tamil in the coming weeks. While an exact date is yet to be confirmed, viewers can anticipate its release by late January or early February. Following its premiere on Aha Tamil, the movie will also be made available on the OTTPlay Premium streaming service, broadening its accessibility to a wider audience.
The story revolves around Chidambaram, a senior police officer determined to solve a chilling case despite battling the onset of Alzheimer’s. Diagnosed with the disease and given a year before his memories begin to fade entirely, Chidambaram must rely on his wits and experience to apprehend a dangerous serial killer. Known as «The Smile Man,» this elusive murderer leaves behind a haunting
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