Rahul Gandhi and former Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav. Talking to reporters here on the fourth day of his 'Amran anshan', Kishor also said he was ready to «follow» these leaders and if they were averse to his presence, he was willing to «withdraw».
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«I want to inform the people that this agitation is non-political one and not being carried under the banner of my party. Last night, the youngsters formed a 51-member forum called 'Yuva Satyagraha Samiti' (YSS) which will steer this movement of which Prashant Kishor is just a part. All are welcome to lend support be it Rahul Gandhi, who has 100 MPs and Tejashwi Yadav who has more than 70 MLAs», Kishor said.
He added, «These leaders are much bigger than us. They can get five lakh people to gather at the Gandhi Maidan...this is the time to do so. The future of the youth is at stake. We are faced with a brutal regime which has ordered lathi charge 87 times in just three years».
«Out of 51 members of the newly formed YSS, 42 decided to continue this fight last night. All members of the YSS are part of different political organisations. But all of them have now come under one umbrella to unitedly fight for the cause of youth and students. The YSS is totally a non-political forum. I am here to support them only....and this 'amran anshan' will