Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Tuesday said Lok Sabha MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra represented 'Stree Shakti' and likened her with historic freedom fighters Kittur Rani Chennamma and 'Jhansi Ki Rani' Lakshmi Bai. Kharge also hailed Rahul Gandhi as a symbol of 'Yuva Shakti'. Addressing the 'Gandhi Bharat' event here, Kharge said the Congress has organised the event to commemorate the centenary of the lone Congress session held in Belagavi, which Mahatma Gandhi had chaired as the grand old party's president way back in 1924.
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«If there is Kittur Chennamma it's Priyanka Gandhi. If there is 'Jhansi Ki Rani', it's Priyanka Gandhi. She is very strong. She stabilised the family after the assassination of her father Rajiv Gandhi. „We have Stree Shakti (in Priyanka Gandhi) and Yuva Shakti, which is Rahul Gandhi,“ he said. „Belagavi is the birthplace of Kittur Rani Chennamma. She is a great woman who fought for the country's esteem and its people. Similarly, if there is a powerful woman who is fighting against the BJP and RSS it is Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. She has that courage.“ Kharge remarked that both Rahul and Priyanka have earned a distinct reputation in the country, one that is unparalleled.
»We have Stree Shakti (Priyanka Gandhi) and we have Yuva Shakti in Rahul Gandhi. We all are with you.," he said. Themed as 'Jai Bapu, Jai Bhim, Jai Samvidhan', the event targetted Union Home Minister Amit Shah for «insulting» the Indian Constitution and its architect B R Ambedkar in the Rajya Sabha recently. The Union