Congress MP from Wayanad Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Tuesday while she was on her way to visit the family of the woman killed by a tiger last week in Mananthavady village here. The black flags were waved at Priyanka's cavalcade near Kaniyaram here by CPI(M) workers over her alleged delay in returning to the district, especially after the tiger attack, since she won from the constituency.
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They also shouted «go back» at her as her motorcade sped away, according to visuals on TV channels.
She reached the victim's home at around 1.15 pm, party sources said.
The victim, Radha, was killed by a tiger when she was out collecting coffee beans at the Priyadarshini Estate in Mananthavady village here on January 24.
The 'man-eater' tiger that killed Radha was found dead in Kerala's high-range district of Wayanad on Monday and an autopsy on the dead cat revealed the presence of the victim's hair, dress, and a pair of earrings in its stomach, forest officials said.
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