Rick and Morty' fame, premiering on August 9. The show delves into life's absurdities, sharing profound stories of beings on a distant planet. Showrunner Amalia Levari leads a talented voice cast, including Lori Tan Chinn, Demi Adejuyigbe, Danny Pudi, Tunde Adebimpe and Hannah Einbinder. The whimsical comedy showcases beings on a distant planet, exploring themes familiar to our own lives. The show is co-created and executive produced by Nathan Pyle, whose graphic novel serves as the series' inspiration. Executive producers Alex Bulkley, Corey Campodonico, Lauren Pomerantz, Steve Levy and Taylor Alexy Pyle collaborate with Levari on the animated series, which is produced by Apple Studios and ShadowMachine. 'Strange Planet' marks Harmon's fourth animated series, adding to his successes with 'Rick and Morty' on Adult Swim, 'Krapopolis' on Fox, and 'Little Demon' on FXX. Levari, an Emmy-winning writer, brings her creative prowess to the project after her work on Comedy Central's 'Over the Garden Wall' and Nickelodeon's 'Harvey Breaks.' The first season, comprising 10 episodes, premieres on August 9, with the initial three episodes available for streaming on that date. Subsequently, every Wednesday, the remaining seven episodes will be released, concluding with the season finale on September 27.
FAQsWhen will the animated series 'Strange Planet' premiere on Apple TV+?'Strange Planet' is set to debut on Apple TV+ on August 9, with the first three episodes launching on that date and the remaining seven episodes streaming every Wednesday until the September 27 finale.Who is the showrunner and voice cast for 'Strange Planet'?Amalia Levari serves as the showrunner for 'Strange Planet.' The voice cast includes Demi Adejuyigbe,
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