ABC's newest show, The Golden Bachelor, takes a refreshing approach by featuring senior citizen contestants instead of the usual lineup of individuals in their 20s to 30s. The spotlight is on Gerry Turner, the franchise's first-ever septuagenarian contestant, who is generating a buzz and anticipation for this exciting twist on the well-established The Bachelor series format. In the captivating spin-off series, older participants will compete for a chance at rediscovering love. According to ABC's synopsis, the show revolves around a hopeless romantic who is given an opportunity to find a partner with whom they can share the sunset years of life. With the massive success of its predecessors, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, it's almost certain that The Golden Bachelor will attract a significant audience. Enthusiastic fans are eagerly awaiting Turner's journey to find love, but they'll have to wait a little longer until the first episode of The Golden Bachelor airs on television.
‘The Golden Bachelor’: When does it start?While an exact release date for The Golden Bachelor has yet to be announced, ABC has provided a release window. The show is scheduled to air on Mondays during the upcoming fall season, giving us an estimate of when the first episode will premiere. Fall officially begins on September 23, indicating that the release date will likely be in early to mid-September. It is unlikely to air in August, but we can expect it to be broadcast in the last few weeks of September. With just a few months remaining, fans eagerly await the arrival of The Golden Bachelor on their screens. The series will be aired on ABC every Monday at 10 pm, offering viewers the opportunity to witness Turner's unique televised journey in