Sundararaman Ramamurthy, MD & CEO, BSE, says “whether we accept it or not, every stock exchange, every MII is a fintech. It is dealing with finance and it is a technology company. So the moment you start thinking that you are a fintech in that perspective, you will be innovative, you will be trying to find areas where we need to be continuously on the run. I think not only BSE, everybody in this country needs to be adaptable to changes.”
You have completed almost a year. Let us look at the BSE stock price in the last one year. We always say that markets get excited about a change of guard. In this case, magic has happened to your stock in the last one year. There has been a 300% return. Are you feeling happy, excited that shareholders are endorsing your leadership?
Sundararaman Ramamurthy: The stock price is a culmination of demand and supply in the market, which comes from what market perceives as what currently is happening and what in future is going to happen. From a stock exchange perspective, it is more like a ladle in a big pot of kheer. The ladle does not know the sweetness of the kheer. The job of the ladle is to distribute it, whether it is sweet or not, the consumers decide.
The same way, we are doing what we are required to do as in-charges of stock exchanges and the purpose for which we have come, is to make BSE vibrant with the able guidance of the market and the regulators and probably the market is finding it okay that we are doing the right thing,