Thinking at a certain point in time, how they Perceive their brands and offerings viz-a-viz their competitors, and which audience segments are willing to take Action at the earliest. The same questions arise when sales teams interact with marketing or advertising decision-makers across industries. As it stands, only the consumers themselves can answer these questions.
And their answers can change rapidly based on several factors, including seasonality, festivities, income range, location, deals & discounts. This is incredibly challenging to nail down in the age of the digital consumer, notorious for fickle habits and fluid preferences. But how can marketers capture consumers' responses and leverage the valuable insights to drive their initiatives? One rather formal and conventional way to achieve this goal is to conduct research studies to discern and document consumers' perceptions.
But given the time involved in traditional market research methods, this is not the go-to option today when making quick decisions is a must. One effective method to achieve success in this regard is utilizing Aroscop ASK1, an innovative solution that enables marketers to monitor the market and consumer segments consistently. Let's start with who could benefit the most from ASK1 in their day-to-day endeavors: In recent years, ASK1 has conducted extensive research on various subjects, aiming to uncover consumer perception and insights that can assist brands and advertisers in navigating the constantly evolving advertising landscape.
Some of the topics covered include - You can find reports on these studies here. While B2B sales teams may not directly engage with consumers, the businesses they target often do. For instance, an agency reaching