Emily Windham, a 23-year-old TikToker, recently shared a heartfelt message urging expectant parents to carefully think about initials when naming their children. Her viral video, warning parents to think twice about their chidls's initials, which has amassed over 1.2 million views, humorously highlights the struggles she faces with her own initials, «EW.»
“When you’re deciding what to name your kids, look at what their initials are going to be,” Windham explained in her video. “Every time I have to initial a document, I have to write ‘EW.’ It just looks like I’m constantly grossed out.”
Emily revealed her parents had almost named her Alexia, which would have given her the initials «AW.» She remarked that “AW” feels much more endearing compared to “EW.” However, her father vetoed the name to avoid teasing from the nickname «Sexy Lexy.» Reflecting on this, Emily quipped, “Okay, well, you missed Easy Em,” poking fun at her current situation.
Emily’s post sparked a wave of relatable stories from others with «unfortunate» initials. Erin Williams commented, “Same, girl,” sharing her own struggles. One viewer revealed their initials spelled “BJ,” while another shared theirs were “EGG.” Some, however, embraced the humor in their initials, like a commenter whose initials are “TNT.” They joked, “So, I’m dynamite.”
Another story stood out in the comments section: “My administrator at school has the initials EW, and every time they sign attendance sheets, it just