Pavel Durov, who founded the social media companies Telegram and VK, has disclosed that he is the father of more than 100 children worldwide. His inventive contributions to Russian social media have helped him earn a wealth of £13.6 billion. In a Telegram post, Durov revealed that he became a prolific sperm donor, helping over 100 couples in 12 countries conceive while being single and living alone, as per the reports of The U.S. Sun.
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Durov got involved in sperm donation 15 years ago when a friend in need of his assistance with infertility asked for it. He was initially amused, but after seeing how serious the request was, he agreed to provide sperm. The clinic advised him that there was a lack of «high-quality donor material,» which persuaded him to make a donation. Although Durov stopped donating years ago, his frozen sperm is still accessible for usage in an anonymous manner. He felt satisfaction in his contribution to reducing the worldwide scarcity of healthy sperm.
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Durov, often compared to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, founded VK in 2006 and Telegram in 2013. His entrepreneurial success faced political challenges when he refused Kremlin requests to access VK profiles of Ukrainian