Saira Banu, after nearly 30 years of marriage, drawing attention to his immense wealth. Recognized as one of India’s most influential and highest-earning musicians, Rahman has an estimated net worth of Rs 1,728 crore to Rs 2,000 crore, as reported by DNA and other outlets. Dubbed the country’s richest male singer, he charges a staggering Rs 3 crore per song and is considered the highest-paid music composer in India, earning up to Rs 10 crore per film.
Rahman’s fortune stems from a diverse range of endeavors, including scoring films, creating original music, global concert tours, brand endorsements, and entrepreneurial ventures. This multifaceted career has secured his place as the wealthiest musician in India. Beyond his financial success, the Oscar-winning maestro is also among the most decorated artists, boasting accolades such as National Film Awards, Academy Awards, Grammy Awards, and the prestigious Padma Bhushan.
As Rahman and Saira’s separation continues to make headlines, speculation has arisen about whether their divorce could rank among the costliest in the entertainment world. In an official statement, Saira’s lawyer, Vandana Shah, addressed the couple’s decision to part ways.
“After many years of marriage, Mrs. Saira has made the difficult decision to separate from her husband, Mr. AR Rahman. This decision comes after enduring significant emotional strain in their relationship. Despite their deep love for one another, they have found the challenges and conflicts between them to be irreconcilable,