red fire ants, one of the most invasive species on the earth and the fifth most expensive to combat, have reached Europe. With the scientific name of Solenopsis invicta, the red ants have their origin in South America. Their sting is ‘painful and irritating' and can cause pustules and allergic reactions. The stings can trigger potentially deadly anaphylactic shock.
The researchers have claimed to have found 88 nests of the red ants spread over five acres near the Italian city of Syracuse on the island of Sicily. According to a study published in the journal 'Current Biology', the colonization potential of the ants in Europe is alarming and Climate Change can further escalate it.
These ants have spread to the US, Mexico, the Caribbean, China, Taiwan and Australia in less than a century. The U.S. has suffered a loss of $ 5 billion due to the presence of these ants and Australia has spent millions of dollars on its eradication, without much success.
The researchers have concluded by genetic analysis that these ants might have originated in the U.S. or China. But it is not clear how the ants reached Italy. The scientists have analyzed the wind direction. They think that some flying queen ants could have arrived from the northwest, where the port of Syracuse is located. It is also thought that there must be a transit point from where these ants have spread to other parts.
They have warned that large cities like Barcelona, Rome, London, or Paris could be affected by this invasive species. They have expressed concerns that as the Mediterranean coasts have a climate suitable for these red