In a heartwarming video shared on Instagram by Sony Entertainment Television, Kangana, visibly nostalgic, spoke to contestant Biswarup and the show’s judge Shreya Ghoshal. «In my film, Sonu (Nigam) sir had sung a song titled 'Soniyo'. Shreya ma'am sang that song for me. If Shreya ma'am can sing a few lines from the song…” Kangana said, reminiscing about the romantic track. Shreya, ever gracious, responded, „Yes, absolutely. Your request is my command,“ before joining Biswarup in singing the beautiful melody.
The song, a key part of Raaz 2, resonated deeply with Kangana, who was seen humming along with the tune. As the music played, emotions took over her, and she clapped while folding her hands in gratitude. Shreya, in turn, blew a kiss toward the actress, further highlighting the warmth between the two. The video was accompanied by a caption on Instagram that read, “Kangana ki request par Biswarup aur Shreya ma’am gaayenge Soniyo (On Kangana’s request, Biswarup and Shreya will sing Soniyo).»
For those unfamiliar with the song's backstory, Soniyo was a romantic number featured in the supernatural thriller Raaz: The Mystery Continues. The music video showcased Kangana alongside actor Adhyayan Suman, her then-boyfriend. The two had a brief but turbulent relationship during 2008-2009, which ultimately ended in a bitter breakup. Following their separation, Adhyayan made several allegations against Kangana, accusing her of being verbally