Maha Kumbh mela in Prayagraj. An official statement said 3,134 special trains will be run in 2025 which is around 4.5 times more than those operational during the Prayagraj Ardh Kumbh held in 2019. These special services will supplement the 10,000 regular trains operational on this route.
Kumbh Mela is a major Hindu pilgrimage and festival. It has the distinction of being the largest peaceful gathering in the world, drawing crores of devotees who come to bathe in India's sacred rivers.
This year, there will be 1,869 short distance mela special trains to cater to requirements of passengers coming from within Uttar Pradesh and nearby areas. Another 706 trains long distance and 559 ring trains will also function. No ring rail services were plying during the 2019 Kumbh. This circular railway network runs parallel to a ring road, catering to very short distance journeys where there is regular passenger demand.
In all, Railway works worth Rs 5,000 crore have been undertaken during the last three years for Maha Kumbh, the statement said. This includes infrastructure creation worth Rs 3,700 crore such as the doubling of Banaras — Prayagraj (including Ganga bridge) and Phaphamau — Janghai railway lines.
According to Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu was carrying a Kumbh (pot) of amrit (nectar), when a scuffle broke out and four drops were spilled. They fell to earth at the four Tirthas of Prayag, Haridwar, Nasik and Ujjain, a note on the holy congregation by the Prayagraj district administration said.