Attack on Titan" has finally ended with its last episode delivering a conclusion that triggered further discussion. The fate of Eren Yeager, the series' protagonist, was one of the central questions that fans were eager to have answered.
What was Eren Yeager’s fate?
Eren Yeager, who began as the story's hero, faces his end in a dramatic and tragic twist.
His death is not just the cessation of a character but a critical culmination of the series' complex themes. In the concluding moments, Mikasa Ackerman, Eren's longtime companion, is the one to deliver the decisive blow.
Mikasa's journey throughout the series has been one of loyalty, strength, and heartache.
The bond she shared with Eren was deep and multifaceted, marked by an unyielding sense of protection and affection. Yet, as Eren's path diverged into extremism, Mikasa was confronted with an impossible choice.
In the shadow of a looming catastrophe, Eren's actions force Mikasa to confront their shared past, their hopes, and the harrowing reality of his present course.
Her decision is one borne out of necessity, a dire act to prevent further bloodshed and the spiral of vengeance that Eren's plan would inevitably perpetuate.
Mikasa's final act is a poignant illustration of her inner turmoil—her unwavering resolve to protect others at the cost of her happiness and the life of the person she holds most dear. This moment is a testament to her character's evolution and the overarching message of "Attack on Titan": the painful choices that must be made for the sake of a future free from the chains of hatred.
In a series that has never shied away from the complexities of human nature and the dark realities of its world, Eren's fate was sealed with an act of love and