deep breathing has been practiced for its multiple benefits. When viewed through the yogic point of view, its potential for well-being becomes even more remarkable.
There are various deep-breathing techniques tailored for the average person, offering numerous health benefits. One such technique is 'Diaphragmatic Breathing' that is also called Deep breathing.
It involves intentionally taking slow and deliberate breaths that fully engage your diaphragm and expand your lungs.
In yog, deep breathing involves the flow of prana, bio-energy. By controlling the breath, sadhaks influence the flow of prana within the body, to bring balance and harmony.
This yogic technique involves inhaling deeply through the nose, allowing the abdomen to expand, and then exhaling slowly through the nose. This technique can be practiced in a sitting or supine position.
The yogic emphasis on deep breathing goes hand-in-hand with scientific understanding of efficient lung function.
By tuning into the breath's rhythm, you can cultivate mindfulness and peace that extends beyond physical practice. The peacefulness you gain definitely radiates outward in your day-to-day life.