underground storage tanks by Border Security Force personnel during a raid near the India-Bangladesh Border in West Bengal's Nadia district, the paramilitary force said in a statement on Saturday. Following a tip-off, BSF personnel conducted a raid in Majdia town in the Naghata area of the district on Friday and seized the consignment.
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«In the operation, a huge consignment of 62,200 bottles of Phensedyl were recovered from three underground storage tanks. The estimated value of the consignment is Rs 1.4 crore,» the statement said.
The recovery is being seen as a huge blow to the smuggling attempts in the area, the statement said.
Of the three, two storage tanks were built under dense vegetation, while one storage tank was built under a hut made of CGI sheets, it added.
A BSF spokesperson said more information is being gathered on the network of smugglers.