Matt Rife‘s audience, seemingly no one is safe from being the butt of the joke, even those under the age of 10.The 28-year-old comedian who last month made headlines for telling a joke about domestic violence (and subsequently releasing a mock apology) this week fielded new criticism about his Netflix special.In his standup special Natural Selection, Rife made fun of people, specifically women, who are interested in astrology.“I am so tired of you ladies blaming your poor decision-making skills on planets that don’t even know you,” Rife said in his special. “It has nothing to do with the stars, man.
Just because Jupiter has a ring, and you don’t, doesn’t mean that’s what you’re supposed to look up to for this magical advice.”Following the November release of Natural Selection, TikToker Bunny Hedaya shared feedback from her six-year-old son (who she said is “really into space”).“Actually, it’s Saturn that has the rings,” the boy said. “And you’re mean to girls.”#stitch with @Netflix Is A Joke are you smarter than a 6 year old?