Parliament session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday. Ahead of Parliament's Budget session, Modi also took a swipe at opposition parties, saying that there were people abroad ready to do mischief before every session since 2014 and there was also no dearth of those here who would fuel such attempts.
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«Shayad 2014 se lekar ab tak, ye pehla Parliament ka satr hai, ki jiske ek-do din pehle koi videshi chingari nahi pakdi hai, videsh mein se aag lagane ki koshish nahi hui hai (Perhaps since 2014, this is the first session of Parliament in which a day or two before the session, there has been no foreign attempt to stoke a fire from abroad),» Modi told reporters before the start of the session.
«This is the first session I am seeing in the last 10 years in which there has been no attempt to stoke a fire from any foreign corner,» the prime minister said.
With his government tabling its first full-fledged budget on Saturday in its third term, Modi said he prayed that Goddess Lakshmi, who is associated with wealth, will bless the poor and middle class.
He expressed confidence that this Budget session will infuse new confidence and energy in attaining the goal of 'Viksit Bharat' by 2047.
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By — Metla Sudha Sekhar, IT Specialist and Developer