Bollywood actor Jaideep Ahlawat, best known for his brilliant performance in Paatal Lok, has left fans amazed with his dramatic weight loss. The actor dropped an impressive 26 kg in just five months, going from 109.7 kg to 83 kg! His dedication to fitness and strict discipline in both diet and exercise has set a new benchmark for health-conscious celebrities.
Jaideep’s turning point came after the lockdown when he realised he had put on a lot of weight due to indulging in comfort foods like parathas, chhole, dal, and ghee-laden dishes. Coming from Haryana, where rich, traditional meals are a way of life, it was a tough change. But he decided to take control and worked hard to shed the extra kilos.
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Jaideep followed a strict meal plan designed by his trainer, Prajwal Shetty. His diet was high in protein and focused on nutrient-rich foods while keeping portions small (100 grams per serving). He ate plenty of chicken, quinoa, paneer, eggs, and leafy greens. Sugar was completely cut out, and carbohydrate intake was restricted. These changes helped him burn fat while maintaining his energy levels for intense workouts.
Exercise played a huge role in Jaideep’s transformation. His workout routine included a combination of weight training and cardio. He trained