Kapil Sharma Show, Navjot Singh Sidhu, recently astonished fans by sharing an inspiring update about his health transformation. Sidhu revealed that he had successfully shed 35 kilograms over the course of just five months. The former cricketer, who was recently seen on The Great Indian Kapil Show on Netflix alongside his wife, Navjot Kaur, took to social media to showcase his incredible weight loss journey.
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Accompanying a series of before-and-after pictures, Sidhu wrote, «Before and after… I have lost 33 kilograms in less than five months since August.»
Expressing his thoughts further, he added, «This transformation was a testament to my willpower, commitment, and a structured approach involving a disciplined diet, pranayama, weight training, and extensive walks. Nothing is impossible, friends—‘Pehla sukh nirogi kaya.’»
The post garnered an overwhelming response from fans and well-wishers. Former cricketer Harbhajan Singh was among the many who commended Sidhu’s efforts, commenting, «Well done, Paji!»
Since being shared, Sidhu’s post has amassed over 10.9k likes and more than 100 comments, with several followers lauding his unwavering dedication and perseverance.
One user remarked, «Superb!»
Another admirer wrote, «Wow, Sir.»
A fan found his journey deeply motivating,