Poonam Pandey recently visited the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, where she participated in the sacred Amrit Snan on January 29. On the auspicious occasion of Mauni Amavasya, she joined millions of devotees in the holy waters, embracing the deep-rooted traditions of the world’s largest religious gathering.Taking to Instagram, she mentioned how after taking the holy bath, all her sins have been washed away.
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Immersing herself in the powerful atmosphere, Pandey shared her experience on social media, reflecting on the unwavering devotion of pilgrims and the profound energy of the event. She expressed admiration for the resilience of those undertaking long journeys on foot and paid tribute to those who lost their lives during the stampede hoping they find spiritual liberation.
As part of the Mauni Amavasya rituals, she took part in the Amrit Snan wearing a black-and-white kurta adorned with ‘Om’ and ‘Mahakal’ inscriptions, signifying her connection to the spiritual essence of the occasion. After the holy dip, she did Suryanamaskar. Apart from that, she shared a few glimpses of the Maha Kumbh Mela where she could be seen enjoying a ferry ride. She also showcased the rituals and other religious activities that were held.
Taking to the Instagram story, she shared a photo of herself
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