shares of Amber Enterprises for Rs 210 crore through an open market transaction. Axis Mutual Fund (MF), Mahindra Manulife MF, Tata AIA Life Insurance and ICICI Prudential Life Insurance were the other entities, who have picked up stakes in Gurugram-based Amber Enterprises through separate block deals on the NSE.
As per the data, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup Global Markets, Axis MF, Mahindra Manulife MF, Tata AIA Life Insurance and ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company collectively purchased 3.45 lakh shares or 1.02 per cent stake in Amber Enterprises.
The shares were acquired at an average price of Rs 6,075 apiece, taking the aggregate deal value to Rs 209.86 crore.
Meanwhile, Ascent Investment Holdings offloaded the shares of Amber Enterprises at the same price, as per the data on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
Shares of Amber Enterprises rose 0.11 per cent to close at Rs 6,100 per piece on the NSE.