Himachal Pradesh, not all positive. The ruling party lost the Rajya Sabha polls, communal tension erupted in Shimla and the state assembly got an MLA couple as Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu's wife Kamlesh won the Dehra bypoll. Then there were some amusing stories — the humble samosa triggered a CID probe and the endangered 'jungli murga' had its moment in the spotlight.
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Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut was elected to the Lok Sabha from Mandi constituency.
The state's financial crisis came out in the open when the Himachal Pradesh High Court ordered the attachment of the Himachal Pradesh Bhawan in Delhi after the government failed to pay dues of Rs 150 crore to a hydropower company.
In February, Congress candidate Abhishek Manu Singhvi lost the Rajya Sabha elections due to cross-voting by six MLAs of the ruling party, triggering a political crisis that briefly left the state government teetering on the edge.
This was the first time that a ruling party lost the Rajya Sabha polls despite having a majority.
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