Norman Vincent Peale, an American clergyman who wrote a bestselling self-help book that revolutionised how Americans perceived themselves, their society and government — faith and self-confidence can make individuals as well as the nation affluent. 'The Power of Positive Thinking', published in 1952, right after Americans had emerged out of the Great Depression, rivalled the sales of the Bible in its initial years and has been a perennial bestseller. Peale's philosophy of paring religious belief with self-belief encouraged people to get successful by correcting their attitude through prayer, visualisation and self-motivation. "“Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture… Do not build up obstacles in your imagination,” Peale wrote.
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Peale is said to be the man behind US President Donald Trump's success in business and politics. Trump was not seen to be winning in 2016, was written off after his defeat in 2020, and defied numerous odds to return to the White House in 2015. He said during his election campaign last year that he was ordained by God to become the President, alluding to assassination attempts he had survived. He paired his belief in being the one chosen by God with what Peale taught: unfailing self-confidence in the face of all challenges. What his detractors see as over-confidence, wild boasts and blatant self-branding are said to emerge from Peale's philosophy