Financial success looks different for everyone. Even as you work towards career growth and boosting your earnings, it’s important to focus on managing your personal finances and making the most of what you have. Here are 7 practices that have worked well for me:
Prioritize having a safety net that you can fall back on. Create an emergency fund that can cover unexpected expenses and contingencies, so that you don’t have to dip into long-term savings to tide you over. Typically, this should be 6 months to a year of your expenses.
Investing can be rife with jargon, but you should be able to understand the structure and nature of investment well before buying in. If any information lacks transparency, it’s best to avoid it. Ignore your fear of missing out on the next big Reddit investment fad, and stick to what you can comprehend and navigate. Consider working with a proven financial adviser.
Also Read: International Women's Day 2024: Women breaking barriers through financial planning and empowerment
Whether it is associating financial ambitions with greed or frugality with being a penny-pincher, it’s important to let go of negative associations with money. Making, spending, saving, and investing money make up a significant part of our every day. Building a healthy outlook towards money will make all the difference when it comes to achieving your life goals, whether it’s supporting family, buying a home, pursuing higher education, or just taking adventure trips.
Some dated notions about owning assets like a home or a car being the most significant investment you can make, need to be done away with. Tying yourself down to a location because you bought a house or committing to service a hefty loan over the long term is not