Apple’s iPhone 15, priced at Rs 69,900 at launch in September 2023, is currently available with a big discount on Flipkart. For the 128GB Black model, the price has been slashed by 12%, bringing it down to Rs 60,999. On top of this, Flipkart is offering an additional exchange offer, which could provide up to Rs 31,500 off for trading in an iPhone 14 in good condition. After applying the exchange discount, the final price drops to Rs 21,499. This makes the iPhone 15 extremely affordable for those seeking to upgrade their iPhone without breaking the bank.
Released as part of the iPhone 15 series, the iPhone 15 features Apple’s A16 Bionic chip, a powerful processor that significantly improves performance and efficiency over previous generations. The iPhone 15’s display features rounded corners, following a curved design within a standard rectangular shape. It has a 6.1-inch display and comes with IP68 rating.
The iPhone 15 boasts a triple-camera system. Its 48MP main camera has a 26mm focal length, ƒ/1.6 aperture, and sensor-shift optical image stabilisation, offering exceptional photo quality with 24MP and 48MP super-high-resolution photos. The 12MP ultrawide camera features a 120-degree field of view and ƒ/2.4 aperture, perfect for capturing expansive landscapes. Additionally, a 12MP 2x telephoto lens enables optical zoom with a 4x optical zoom range and digital zoom up to 10x.
Other features include a sapphire crystal lens cover, True Tone flash, Night mode, Panorama, and advanced image stabilisation with Smart HDR 5, Photonic Engine, and Deep Fusion. The camera system also supports Portrait Lighting, Focus and Depth Control, Photographic Styles, and automatic red-eye correction for stunning portraits and detailed shots.