Jalgaon Train Accident LIVE: In Maharashtra's Jalgaon, a tragic incident was reported on Wednesday. While Pushpak Express was on its way to its destination on January 22, a false fire alarm was raised at Jalgaon's Paranda Railway Station.
The situation triggered panic among passengers due to which some of them jumped off the train. As per media reports, Karnataka Express was running across the same route during that time and around 8 to10 passengers who ran for safety on its tracks were crushed under the moving train while 30 to 40 others sustained injuries.At least six persons killed after being hit by train in Maharashtra's Jalgaon district, an official said.Pushpak Train Accident LIVE: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Office said, “Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath expresses grief over the Pushpak train accident.
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