Ashwini Vaishnaw, Union Minister of Railways of India shared a video capturing a breathtaking sight of the Vande Bharat, India’s most iconic train, crossing the world’s highest railway bridge, the Chenab Bridge in Jammu and Kashmir. The dream of connecting Kashmir by rail has been a long-cherished aspiration, promising to transform the region by boosting tourism, horticulture, trade, travel, and education. Now, this remarkable moment was shared on X and has taken the internet by storm.
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He shared the video with the caption, “Three engineering marvels of Bharat; Vande Bharat crossing over Chenab bridge and Anji Khad bridge. Jammu & Kashmir.”
One user expressed excitement about the connectivity, stating that travelling to Kashmir from anywhere in India has become much easier. Another described the achievement as an outstanding inspiration for the entire nation. A third user referred to it as the foundation of a developed India.
Indian Railways successfully conducted a trial run of the first Vande Bharat train on Saturday, connecting Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra (SVDK) railway station to Srinagar railway station. The train’s route includes the Anji Khad Bridge, India’s first cable-stayed railway bridge, and the Chenab Bridge, the highest