Originally hailing from Sakleshpur in Karnataka’s Hassan district, Shobhitha had moved to Hyderabad two years ago after her marrige. While the reasons behind her death remain unclear, authorities are actively investigating the circumstances. Her body has been sent for a postmortem examination, and reports suggest it might be transported to Bengaluru for her final rites.
Shobhitha began her acting journey in Kannada television after relocating to Bengaluru. Over the years, she became a household name, featuring in over a dozen popular serials, including Mangala Gowri, Kogile, Krishna Rukmini, Deepavu Ninnade Gaaliyu Ninnade, and Ammavru. Her foray into cinema included roles in films such as Eradondla Mooru, ATM, Ondu Kathe Helwa, and Jackpot.
Her most recent film, First Day First Show, was well-received by fans, with Shobhitha actively promoting it on her social media platforms. Her seamless transition between television and cinema highlighted her versatility as an actress.
Following her marriage, Shobhitha shifted her focus to Telugu cinema, exploring opportunities in Hyderabad. Although she stepped back from Kannada projects, her work continued to be celebrated by her devoted fans. She also maintained a strong connection with her followers through her active social media presence. Her last post, dated November 1, was a heartfelt message celebrating Kannada Rajyotsava and Diwali. In it, she expressed her gratitude to fans and urged them to support
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