Karnataka High Court, on Wenesday allowed the Lokayukta to continue its investigation into the alleged Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) site allocation irregularities involving Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. The court directed that the probe be overseen by the Inspector General of Police, Lokayukta, and instructed the anti-corruption agency to file detailed records of its investigation so far.
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This directive was issued while hearing a plea seeking a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into the case.
The petitioner Snehamayi Krishna, an activist, questioned the impartiality of the Lokayukta investigation, given the involvement of high-ranking officials and politicians.
Justice M Nagaprasanna emphasised the need for transparency.
«Lokayukta must place on record all details of the investigation to date. The inquiry will be monitored by the IG of Police, Lokayukta. Any reports should be submitted a day before the next hearing,» the court stated, listing the next session for January 27.
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