Keerthy Suresh, a popular name in South Indian cinema, is making her Bollywood debut with the film Baby John. Alongside this professional milestone, Keerthy recently made personal headlines by publicly revealing her relationship with her long-time boyfriend, Antony Thattil, a Dubai-based businessman. The couple has announced that they will marry on December 12th, with the wedding set to take place in Goa in a grand celebration.
As news of her upcoming wedding spread, fans and celebrities alike flooded social media with their best wishes for the couple. Many followers took note of the date, pointing out that December 12th is also the birthday of Tamil cinema legend Rajinikanth, further adding significance to the occasion. This has further created a huge hype regarding her wedding.
Keerthy, who has always been vocal about her admiration for Rajinikanth, previously shared her experience of working with the superstar in the film Annaatthe. Describing it as a dream come true, Keerthy recalled being “starstruck” while shooting alongside Rajinikanth, especially during the brief interactions they had before the COVID-19 lockdown. She expressed her excitement, calling Annaatthe a special project.
Annaatthe, a Tamil-language action drama released in November 2021 during Deepavali, stars Rajinikanth, Khushbu, Meena, Nayanthara, and Keerthy Suresh. The film follows Kaalaiyan, a sarpanch in Thanjavur, who battles to protect his sister from a businessman and his brother.