Antony Thattil, in an intimate ceremony in Goa. The lovebirds paid homage to their cultural roots by exchanging vows in a traditional Tamil Brahmin Iyengar ceremony. In the several pictures that have now gone viral, the ‘Dasara’ actress looked resplendent in a parrot green madisar saree that was draped in the Iyengar Kattu style, while her groom looked dashing in a gold-cream-coloured veshti.
In an interview with theIndian Express, Chennai-based Tamilian Vijaya Swaminathan shared insights into the cultural importance of the madisar, a saree-draping style traditionally worn by married Tamil Brahmin women. She highlighted its deep roots in tradition and noted that similar draping styles can be found across South India, such as the nauvari in Maharashtra and the Telugu Brahmin drape.
Keerthy's bridal ensemble was elevated by the addition of traditional Bharatanatyam jewelry, explained Swaminathan, featuring an array of exquisitely crafted ornaments:
Attikai and Haaram: A combination of short and long necklaces that added layers of elegance to her bridal look.