Kshatriya Karni Sena has announced a reward of ₹1,11,11,111 for the police officer who conducts an encounter of jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. This announcement comes after Bishnoi’s gang claimed responsibility for the murder of NCP leader Baba Siddiqui in Mumbai. Raj Shekhawat, the national president of Kshatriya Karni Sena, made this declaration in a video statement, highlighting his concerns about the rising influence of gangsters like Bishnoi, a NBT report stated.
In a one-minute video, Raj Shekhawat promised a reward of over one crore rupees to the policeman who carries out the encounter of Lawrence Bishnoi. He stated that the Kshatriya Karni Sena would take full responsibility for the safety and security of the police officer and their family. “The killer of our precious gem and heritage Amar Shaheed Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi ji must be stopped,” Shekhawat said, referring to the late chief of Karni Sena, who was allegedly murdered by Bishnoi’s gang.
Lawrence Bishnoi has been in Sabarmati jail, Gujarat, for an extended period, facing various charges. He is linked to several high-profile crimes, including the murder of Baba Siddiqui in Mumbai. Siddiqui was killed in Bandra on Dussehra, and a Facebook post by Bishnoi’s gang claimed responsibility for the attack the next day. The Mumbai Crime Branch has arrested 10 individuals in connection with the murder, including two shooters.
The murder of Siddiqui has led
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