VK Saxena on Thursday said the AAP government approved the demolition of nine temples across the city last year, accusing the ruling party of indulging in cheap politics. This accusation came a day after Delhi Chief Minister Atishi wrote to the lieutenant governor, claiming that a religious committee' under his authority had, during its meeting on November 22, ordered the demolition of six religious structures, including Hindu temples and a Buddhist place of worship, in various parts of the city.
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The Raj Niwas issued a statement in response, asserting that former chief minister Arvind Kejriwal himself had, on February 8 last year, recommended the demolition of nine temples in different parts of Delhi.
According to the statement, Kejriwal and the then home minister Manish Sisodia had approved the recommendations of the committee for demolishing these temples. Seven of the temples were located in Karawal Nagar, while the remaining two were in New Usmanpur, the statement said, citing documentary evidence.
The office of the lieutenant governor also alleged that in 2016, the then home minister Satyendra Jain had approved the demolition of eight temples in various parts of Delhi.
Documents reveal that from 2016 to 2023, 24 Hindu religious structures, including 22 temples, and just one Muslim religious structure were